2025 President’s Letter
Our January 2024 President’s Letter opened with an image of a red flag flying in the wind, a warning that “we are in danger.” We declared a commitment to increase the effectiveness of our network of projects to focus more attentively on the interlocking crises that endanger our democracy. Now, a year later, I can report that is precisely what we are doing here at Mediators Foundation.
For years, as an author and facilitator, I advised the communities I worked in to stop playing Washington’s Red-Blue national, political game and design their own technicolor local, civic way of leading. Whether in Michigan or Arizona, my message was the same: Make your state great; don’t let DC divide you! Never has that message resonated the way it does today. Americans across the country have realized that they need to face the challenges in their community head on — not wait for politicians in D.C.

2024 President’s Letter
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~Albert Einstein
Is it dawn or dusk? The beginning of a new day, of possibility and innovation in America, or the dying of the light as a new era of endarkenment begins?
It is challenging to tell. But there is one certainty: it is a red flag day. We are in danger.

2023 President’s Letter
Dear Colleagues,
Although this year’s letter begins on a note of pride, it will quickly pivot to humility for a very simple reason: something has been missing in our work. It is missing not just in Mediators’ portfolio of projects. It is also missing in The Work to which so many of our fellow bridge-builders, peacemakers, and social entrepreneurs have dedicated our lives. If you look at our new website, you will see why we have become one of the premier incubators in America of projects that bridge divides.