Wisdom Beyond Borders
Magnifying the voices of visionary leaders.
This project is designed to enable individual donors to make small, timely grants to key individuals who, in their judgment, are playing a unique leadership role on a key issue. Over the years, these grants have supported dozens of social entrepreneurs and thought leaders to have a greater impact in their fields.
Project Directors: Margo King
Contact: steinerking33@gmail.com
Wisdom Beyond Borders is a fund, administered by Mediators Foundation, to support the work of individual wisdom teachers and leaders through honoraria – a kind of private MacArthur Award.
Because these recipients are people whose work is well recognized and understood and in order to simplify their lives, the money is offered freely, with no strings attached, and with no expectation of written reports.
Project Director Bio:
Working closely with her beloved husband, John Steiner, Margo loves networking, mesh-weaving, consulting, catalyzing, convening, community building, and just showing up to respond, with as much presence, love, joy, and wisdom as possible, to the next spontaneous engagement of the moment. They work in the many worlds of environmental, social, political, economic, philanthropic, and spiritual activism. In addition, they collaborate with their grown children in various ways in the film world, supporting the power of film to change the culture, primarily with Impact Partners.
The main throughline of this lifetime has been service to the demystification of enlightenment in everyday life – hearth-tending the non-dual, perennial wisdom teachings of the true nature of reality, as they increasingly pervade all human endeavor – one moment, one person, one project, one field at a time. An educational imperative toward an awakened, and thus inherently ethical, planetary civilization.
Partners in love, work, and family for forty years, John and Margo have focused devotedly on studying, embodying, and sharing with others the relationship discoveries of a couple’s awakening: a home-ground laboratory for global awakening.