Better Governance Institute

Creating transparent, accountable government through research, policy development, and citizen empowerment.

BGI advances transparency and accountability by researching effective governance models and fostering citizen involvement beyond the ballot. We provide tools, training, and policy recommendations that drive meaningful change in how government serves the people.

Project Director: Christopher Life


The Better Governance Institute (BGI) is a non-profit think tank dedicated to improving the quality of governance in the United States. Through research, innovation, and education, BGI focuses on three core pillars: transparency, accountability, and empowered citizen participation. BGI’s mission is to develop actionable solutions that enhance government openness and responsiveness, while fostering more meaningful involvement from citizens.

Research and Innovation for Transparent and Accountable Government
BGI’s first initiative is a comprehensive research project focused on understanding and advancing best practices in government transparency and accountability. This research will analyze existing policies, technologies, and standards that promote openness in government operations at the municipal, state, and federal levels. By identifying successful models from domestic, international, and historical contexts, BGI will provide actionable policy recommendations for improving transparency and accountability in governance.

Empowering Citizens Through Participation
At BGI, we believe in the power of informed and engaged citizens to influence government. Our work includes developing new strategies for increasing citizen participation beyond traditional voting, and exploring models like participatory budgeting and citizen assemblies. These efforts aim to give citizens a more active role in decision-making processes and hold government officials accountable through innovative civic technologies, policies, and practices.

Training Pro-Governance Candidates
Recognizing the need for leadership that transcends partisan divides, BGI offers candidate training and support for individuals running on platforms of governance reform. By focusing on independent candidates, BGI seeks to empower leaders who prioritize good governance over political tribalism, helping them build campaigns rooted in transparency, accountability, and public service.

Researching the Independent Political Space
BGI is also committed to understanding the growing independent political sector in the U.S. Through ongoing research, we aim to better understand the motivations, demographics, and political behaviors of independent voters. This research will inform the development of strategies to engage and mobilize independents around governance reform.

A Decade of Progress and Partnership
BGI is embarking on a decade-long journey to activate these initiatives. As we raise funds and build capacity, we will continue to publish reports, recommend policy solutions, and forge partnerships with other organizations committed to improving governance. Our initial meta-analysis will map out the landscape of think tanks and organizations working on similar issues, ensuring that we collaborate and build on existing knowledge and innovations.

Project Director Bio:

Christopher Life is the founder of the Better Governance Institute, the Independent National Convention, and United Independents. His career has been dedicated to creating positive impact through systemic transformation, with work in international development, poverty alleviation, and health and nutritional therapy. Over the past decade, Christopher has turned his focus to politics, with a passion for improving governance and advancing the U.S. independent sector. His leadership in the independent political movement and his devotion to improving transparency, accountability, and empowering citizen participation reflect his personal mission to enable a renewed era of good governance in our nation and world.


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