Band of Sisters
Vote for Reproductive Freedom.
Band of Sisters is a social media-driven campaign and community of women and those who stand for every woman’s right to access reproductive freedom. Organizing musicians to promote this core human right is the core strategy of this project.
Steven Donziger and Chris Smalls speak to the challenges of taking on two of the most powerful corporations in the world. From Chevron in the Amazon to the Amazon Corporation, these two visionaries are building a bridge between the environmental and labor movements. Together they connect two vital streams of activism seeking to educate the public about the interlocking challenges to forging a sustainable, equitable future.
Launching their multi-city tour at the SXSW Conference and Festival in March, A² will reach out to American citizens, particularly young workers and people of color to help them commit to more active engagement in public life. They will be joined by local and national leaders, artists, musicians, and activists on an inspiring tour that will celebrate the roles we can all play in protecting and strengthening our civic life.
Project Director Bio:
With extensive experience in voter education and civic campaigns, Julie Bergman has conceived and shepherded this project from the beginning. She has created media campaigns for non-profit groups that have helped to register millions of new voters, raise funds, and move people to action.
Julie also has a unique mix of experience: as a Hollywood Studio Executive, as a producer of feature films and independent documentaries – including an Academy Award nominee – as a writer as well as creating groundbreaking and innovative content. Julie has produced films for Disney, Warner Bros., and Universal Studios, special for television networks, and more. Julie’s award-winning documentary film, Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World, was both an NBC Universal primetime television special and a full-length feature. Harmony was produced in collaboration with HRH, The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles), and aired on NBC as the cornerstone of the network’s Green Is Universal programming.
Julie Co-founded Balcony Films in 2001. Balcony has produced award-winning content and public service campaigns often featuring well-known actors and performers. Her work has been featured on all the major television and cable networks, including programs such as Oprah, Good Morning America, and The Today Show. They’ve been written about in the NY Times, Washington Post, NY Post, The Times of London, and extensively on the web.