Better Together America

Creating a national nonpartisan support network of local democracy hubs and state roundtables paired with a national combined funding campaign to catalyze and connect the field of democracy.

By connecting and accelerating place-based, collective impact organizing efforts in states and communities across the country, we are empowering communities to defend democracy from the ground up- and giving them the tools to do so in collaboration. By increasing community resilience and fortifying civic capacity, communities across the country will be better equipped to withstand escalated risk of political violence and division during and after the 2024 election.

BTA Core Team Members:

Politics will continue to be dysfunctional after the 2024 election. Regardless of the outcome, communities and states need to build the civic capacity to solve their most challenging problems. 

It is our view that a healthier democracy must start at the local and state levels and works best when diverse leaders are empowered to take on change-making initiatives in their own communities. Other major societal changes on the left and right have built a groundswell of grassroots efforts (e.g., the Civil Rights Movement, marriage equality, Moms Against Drunk Driving, Anti-Smoking campaign, and 2nd Amendment Rights). This local approach – paired with a cross-sector approach – models these previous movements and aims to have a transformational, nonpartisan impact on our country.  

Participatory Democracy Hubs and roundtables are needed to ensure we have a system that fairly selects leaders who are accountable to the people and have the civic capacity to solve the greatest challenges communities and states face. Given the opportunity, the people of this country repeatedly roll up their sleeves and work together across differences to solve the challenges we face. However, our democratic institutions too often lead to civic illiteracy, disengagement, and hyperpolarization. As a result, instead of relying on the power and wisdom of the diversity of voices, communities are divided, impotent to hold government officials and parties accountable, and largely unable to pursue their own solutions. Hubs break down siloes and create a sustainable, relationship-based bridge between organizations and communities that build community power, cohesion, and democratic capabilities. At scale, this can lead to the transformation of American democracy and civic health across the country. Our measures of success? Healthier political discourse, effective action that tackles key challenges, and improved trust and confidence in each other and our communities.

We are currently exploring a combined campaign focusing on local and state democracy hubs or roundtables. Because we are looking to build a movement of the people and by the people, we need to align the funding so that it too is of the people and by the people. As such, we are interested in exploring a national crowdfunding campaign that can be leveraged to also attract increased foundation, business, and large donor funding as a match. There should be opportunities for funders focused on their local community to participate. 

If you would like to learn more or join our efforts, please contact the Core Team Members, listed above.


The Transformational Media Fund
