Better Together America
Re-imagining Democracy where you live.
BTA is creating a national non-partisan support network of local and state democracy “hubs” paired with a collaborative, collective funding campaign to catalyze and connect the field of democracy.
Website: www.bettertogetheramerica.org
BTA Core Team Members:
Mediators Foundation:
Jacob Bornstein – jacob@wellstonestrategies.com
Mesa Sebree –mesa@mediatorsfoundation.org
Bridge Alliance:
Kristina Becvar –kristina@bridgealliance.us
National Coalition for Dialogue and Discourse:
Keiva Hummel & Roshan Bliss – keiva@ncdd.org
The Omni-Win Project:
Duncan Autry – duncanautrey@gmail.com
Caleb Christen – cchristen@uwalumni.com
Vinay Orekondy – vinay.orekondy@gmail.com
Politics has been – and will continue to be – dysfunctional after the 2024 election. Regardless of the outcome, communities and states must build the civic capacity to solve their most challenging problems.
Better Together America is a nationwide, nonpartisan support network by and for local, regional, and state “Civic Hubs.” These civic hubs are helping build community resilience and civic capacity, enabling communities across the country to work together to solve their biggest challenges and ensure government institutions and elected leaders are fairly elected and held accountable. By connecting and accelerating these place-based, collective impact efforts across the country, we are empowering communities to reimagine democracy from the ground up.
Other major societal changes on the left and right have built a groundswell of grassroots efforts (e.g., the Civil Rights Movement, marriage equality, Moms Against Drunk Driving, Anti-Smoking campaign, and 2nd Amendment Rights). This local approach – paired with a cross-sector approach – models these previous movements and aims to have a transformational, nonpartisan impact on our country.
Our expanding network of state roundtables and local “Civic Hubs” is supported by a national network of organizations paired with a collaborative and collective funding campaign to catalyze, strengthen, and unite the pro-democracy sector. In addition to activating Civic Hubs and fundraising, we are creating learning communities, a resource center, communication amplification services, and a set of shared evaluation measurements.
Core Project Components:
Formulate Core Strategy: A collection of local, nonpartisan organizations, groups, or individuals formulate a core team. This could include diverse sectors (e.g., government, bridging, media, mediators, academia, faith, business, etc.) or could be one org or person willing to put the time in. (If you are interested in joining this group, please email us!)
Community Visioning: The core team convenes and works with the community to understand the needs, vision, and priorities. This helps to identify potential crucial, collaborative efforts and to build civic capacity. Other civic capacity efforts include trusted local news, training, or identifying places for "democracy to sit down."
Connecting to Other Efforts: Where existing collaborative and participatory efforts relate to our priorities, the core team
a) shares how important the public finds their work and any insights gathered, and
b) works to build any needed connective tissue between such efforts.Collaborative Problem Solving: Where new efforts are needed based on public priorities, the core team convenes members of the public, stakeholders, and decision-makers to identify and solve challenges collaboratively and through inclusive participation.
Leader Accountability: The core team works with collaborative solutions-oriented efforts to organize and build increasing accountability with relevant elected and appointed officials. Where leaders are not accountable, advocating for democratic reforms using the collaborative problem-solving model may be necessary.
Our Goals for 2025:
Building a National Movement: By engaging hundreds of national pro-democracy organizations through coalitions, collective fundraising, and national networks, Better Together America opens the door for hubs to inform, connect, and learn alongside national leadership in the movement.
Direct Hub Support: Within a year, Better Together America aims to support a minimum of 9 State Hubs and 50 Local Civic Hubs while also providing director mentorship to over a dozen grassroots leaders.
Community-Driven Action: With a minimum of 11 executed by State Hubs and 20 - 50 executed by local Civic Hubs, we anticipate a minimum of 31 civic interaction projects coming out of this program within a year.
Engaging 50,000+ Community Members: Through these hubs, we anticipate directly engaging around 22,000 people at the state level and 30,000 people at the local level.
If you would like to learn more or join our efforts, please contact the Core Team Members, listed above.