Active Peace
Empowering the
grassroots with the principles and practices
of restorative justice.
Through training and facilitation of the Active Peace Circle process, we offer a transformational, paradigm-shifting way to address harm within groups, organizations, and communities.
The Active Peace Circle Project promotes an approach to restorative justice that addresses specific harms. It includes a full understanding of the harm and its ripple effects, full repair of the harm, and transformational changes that break the cycle of harm. We leave the blame/shame/punishment paradigm and practice ways of being rooted in deep listening and understanding, responsibility, and restoration.
Everywhere we look we see conflicts that are not being addressed in helpful, holistic ways. We see continued recrimination and cancel culture and divisions often leading to violence. There is widespread hurt that is rarely allowed full expression and rarely addressed in satisfying ways that create greater understanding and empathy, and bridge divides.
The Active Peace Circle method we’ve created is rooted in restorative justice but goes deeper to frame harm as unmet human needs and address root causes. This brings a level of humanity and perspective that ends the blame game, builds trust, and supports a whole range of other essential human needs and values (connection, cooperation, clarity, respect).
We offer Active Peace Circle facilitation to any group interested in coming together in an atmosphere of respect to repair harm and address the root causes of the conflict. This is an in-depth process that works at the personal, interpersonal, and collective levels to create shared understanding, accountability, more authentic relationships, and more resilient groups and communities.
While going through the process participants are steeped in the foundations, learn the techniques, and are then able to use them to engage in more restorative ways and address future conflicts going forward. Active Peace Circles are customizable to meet the specific needs of groups, organizations, and communities.
We also offer three levels of Active Peacemaker Training:
Project Director Bio:
G. Scott Brown is a mediator and restorative justice practitioner, workshop leader, life and relationship coach, transpersonal psychologist, and author. He trained with two different restorative justice organizations on Colorado’s Front Range and has worked as a restorative justice program coordinator for the city of Boulder, CO. He’s also worked professionally as a wilderness rites of passage guide, and as a mentor to youth both in and out of the criminal justice system. He is a leading advocate for bringing the principles and practices of restorative justice to bear on the full range of social issues, and is the author of Active Peace: A Mindful Path to a Nonviolent World.
Before getting on the peacemaking path Scott worked for over 15 years as a campaign leader with Greenpeace USA and other environmental organizations. He holds a master’s degree from Naropa University in transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology and has comprehensive training in Nonviolent Communication and body-centered psychotherapy.